Offer new value add services to clients with our platform

Using Property Taxes to stay visible

Offer new value add services to clients with our platform
Realtor shows property tax report on the property to clients!

To become and remain a successful business, you have to keep yourself and your business front and center in the mind of your prospects and clients. Ultimately, you want clients coming back to you when they are ready to sell their home, buy a home, and refer you to their friends who want to buy or sell a property. But can you expect them to if you have an arms-length business relationship with them?

It’s not enough to be there for your customer when they need to make a purchase or to sell their home. Truth be told, by the time they get around to that next sale or purchase they may have met another agent at a party who they enjoyed speaking to. That person will become top of mind because they will be the last agent your client interacted with positively, no matter how great the experience was with you 3 years ago. Bottom line: as a real estate professional, you need to engage with your clients outside their normal course of business if you want them to be your advocate and client for life.  So, what is the best way to do that?

The best way is through a value-added service and your personal touch to let them know you care.

Adding Value

Of course, you probably have a business blog, and send out flyers in the mail or over email, and connect on social media. These common marketing services are more likely to be read and valued if they are filled with relevant, timely information and even more so if the offer is new and unique.  There is nothing more powerful than showing a client that you have a product or service that can actually make a difference to them.

This is where our proprietary property tax software comes in, Property Tax Fox.

With our one-stop simple Property Tax Analysis & Marketing software, you can instantly analyze your client’s property taxes and generate an up to date report showing whether or not their property was over-assessed or overvalued.  Instead of a slow process of referring clients to a tax attorney, now instantaneously you can send them an email with all the information they need to understand where they stand when it comes to their property taxes, follow it up with a phone call and create the personal connection to them needed to build a lasting relationship.

What makes this such a value add for both you and them, is that with the information you can glean from our software, they will see you as a caring real estate professional as well as a subject matter expert in everything Real Estate. Not only will they be touched that you thought to help them save some money, but clients will turn to you first when they have a property tax related question in the future too. This will enhance your credibility, and make sure you remain uppermost in the client’s mind.  

The best part about it too is that once they sign up for their first appeal, the system will continue to analyze their property taxes for years to come. With every analysis, it will generate a custom Property Tax Analysis report, with your name, and e-mail it to the client automatically to ensure they never miss an opportunity to lower their property taxes again.

This kind of visibility in front of existing clients will also attract new clients because those who took advantage of your ‘kind referral’ are likely to tell everyone they know how thoughtful and proactive you are. It may also even generate business partners as you are increasingly seen by others as a ‘go-to’ expert, and leading your field with innovative new techniques. Others’ will want to work with you because the benefit to doing so will be more visible to them.

Are you ready to find out what Property Tax Fox can do for you? Contact us to set up a free demo of our services.

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