Net Zero Analysis Offerings on Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Emission

Net Zero Analysis has rolled out several exciting programs for the real estate industry which covers single-family homes, multifamily, commercial, and industrial real estate.  The company’s sustainability departments have made major Climate Change Pledges.   COVID hit the real estate markets, with major shifts in people working from home, corporations downsizing office space, and retailers, bars, and restaurants going out of business.

Real Estate Professionals that understand a company’s Climate Change Pledge and its sustainability requirements are more likely to sell and or rent to potential companies and their employees.

Net Zero Analysis has a YouTube Channel Climate Change Action Plan – Carbon Neutrality where you can learn more about what companies are doing and how to use our tools such as our Carbon Footprint Calculator.

Construction Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Emissions Labeling

  1. Carbon Neutral Materials – EPD’s for all materials, quantities, and waist is tracked on-site and included in the Carbon Neutral Materials Label
  2. Carbon Neutral Construction Site – EPD’s for all materials, quantities, and waste, water, and energy use on the Job Site are tracked and offset Carbon Neutral Construction Site Label
  3. Net Zero Emissions Construction – Carbon Neutral Construction Site requirements are met, and all subcontractors and designers are carbon-neutral, Net Zero Emissions Construction is the Platinum Standard 

The building is then handed over to the owner or a management company:

  1. Carbon Neutral Operations and Maintenance – All water and Energy Use is tracked in our software, which is then calculated and offsets are purchased on the Entrex Carbon Market quarterly if there is any additional buildout or maintenance or demolition, material EPDs for all materials, quantities, and waist are calculated for a carbon footprint.  The label is “Carbon Neutral Operations and Maintenance for Year XXXX

Net Zero Emissions Operations and Maintenance – Includes all of the Carbon Neutral Operations and Maintenance as well as all suppliers trash, recycling, building maintenance, security services, building management services, and all related service providers are carbon neutral.  The Label is “Net Zero  Emissions Operations and Maintenance for Year XXXX

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